Saturday, October 19, 2013

8 Months!!

Weston is 8 months and growing fast!!

His Green Rattle (or any rattle for that matter)
Toys & Playing-he loves all kinds of toys
Eating (he is a growing boy and loves his food-he will def let you know when he is hungry)
He really likes to be read to...his favorite books so far are "Tons of Trucks" and "Goodnight Moon"...He doesnt sit still often but if you start reading to him you will get all of his attention.
Earl and Camo
Still loves sticking out that tongue and smiling

Fun Facts:
His hair is wavy/curly on top and is a strawberry blondeish/red color and his eyes are bright blue!!
Tried Watermelon for the first time...I would say he liked it but didn't love it
He has said "mmmaaawww ma" and "da da". We are not sure if he knows what he is saying but we like to pretend like he does
He is doing a lot of baby babble these days and it is adorable!
He is very close to crawling..he gets on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth like he is getting revved up to move!
Weston has become an independent little boy....He likes to try and do things for himself and it is so cool watching him figure different things out.

It was so funny because when we started this photo shoot he was a little grumpy but as soon as that camera came out and the flashes started he was all smiles! He loves to smile and cheese for the camera!

Stinking out that tongue...silly boy!

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