Monday, September 23, 2013

Billy Reuben

So some of yall might not have noticed but we rarely call Weston, Weston. Here is the story behind Billy Reuben

After Weston was born the doctors and nurses kept talking about bilirubin levels and jaundice. Weston didn't have jaundice so we wondered...who the heck is this Billy Reuben. Thinking about it now cracks me up! Weston has had the nickname since right after birth but I never thought it would stick like it has. I would however like to give Sam props for the wide spread use of his nickname....he started just calling him Billy or Bills and I would get so annoyed and then all of a sudden I would catch myself calling him the same...this also happened with Candy. We are not trying to confuse our sweet baby boy but you just can't pass up on a nickname (and story like that). And that is the short version of the origination of Billy Reuben

The Most Commonly Used Variations of Billy Reuben: (by Sam and I...mostly:))

The Rubes
Billy Bob Thorton Man
B-Rubes (the one I use the Most)
The Rubesters

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