Saturday, June 8, 2013

4 Months!!

Weston did so great at his 4 month doctor appointment...He was so smiley and happy and was such a brave boy when he got his shots. We are so proud of him!

Fun Facts:

Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz (90%)
Height: 24 1/2 inches (25%)

He is "Belly" Laughing a lot (which is the most adorable thing ever)...A couple of things that he laughs at are Meghan's fake coughs, Daddy saying Monkey and fake sneezing, and Mommy singing Pants on the Ground

Sleeping through the night for the most part and he is now officially in his crib!
He loves boppy time
Lots of Smiles
Loves his Giraffe sound machines (yes, he has 2 lol)
Bath time and splashing
Sucking on his bottom lip (as you can see below)

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