Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Bruegger Family Comes to Visit

This past weekend the Bruegger Family (except Hannah) came to visit us and it was a great time! We went to the Boat House to eat a delish (and very fried) lunch and then headed to Bangers to celebrate Robert's 31st Birthday. It was nice to see that there are kid, dog, and pregnant lady friendly bars around town.

We learned this weekend that Camo is very "child proof". Michael used him as a pillow, a jungle gym, and also as a means of transportation and Camo didn't seem to mind at all. He is such a sweet boy and Sam and I were very proud of him.
Camo=Best Pillow Ever
We also learned that we have some major childproofing to do around the house and outside.

We can't wait for The Brueggers to come visit us again!! 

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