Monday, April 14, 2014

Just the Boys...


Sunday Funday with the Estrada's & Caddell's


Birthday HH with work Peeps

I can't believe I'm 30...thats all I have to say about that...

Im Walking, Yes Indeed, Im Talking...

Weston turned 14 months on 04.06.14....can you believe that?!?! It is so fun to watch him grow, learn, and do new things everyday! He has the cutest personality and cracks us up all the time.

He isnt walking on his own quite yet but it will be any day now. He has however mastered walking with the assistance of his push toys (he not only likes to push his toys with wheels and walk he trys to use any large objects that are on the ground as a "walker" (i.e. empty box, Um Papas small cooler, baskets, etc). He can move so fast....Camo and Earl often find them selves in the line of fire and cant move out of the way fast enough.

Weston is such a talker and loves to talk and jabber all the time (at home...not so much when we are around people he doesnt see everyday). His little language is so freakin' cute...I can't get enough of it! He also has a vocabulary of "real" words and that list grows by the day...His most favorite words to say include:
-No No No No
-Hold me (or something that sounds just like it)
-Baby (but he says it like baay-be and says that one mostly in the bath tub)
-and of course Dada and MaMa

Other Fun Stuff!
-His laugh which is very unique and very "grunty" and deep
-he loves feeding camo and camo loves being fed
-the other day he started wiping down our coffee table with a paper towel (like he was cleaning it...he was so proud of himself...and we were too!) and then moved on to his high chair tray
-bathtime his one of his favorites and playing with the water as it comes out of the spout
-he loves being outside and tries to escape out the back door anytime we let camo out to go potty. -He loves playing in the dirt and Camo's water bowl. He also can eat his weight in leaves...we try to keep the leaf eating to a minimum but man he can sneak them into his mouth so fast
-he really does not like diaper changes and changing his clothes...not sure why but it started around the time he turned one.
-loves eating lemons (like a champ!)

I have definitely noticed that the time of him sitting still while I took pictures is it is almost impossible to get my camera out in time. He def keeps us on our toes...he likes to go go go and seldomly just "chills" but we love that about him!

Lindsey's Mini Winery Bachelorette Party

Lindsey Bachelorette Fun - Take 2 :)
Duchman Winery