Monday, April 22, 2013

Just Like My Daddy

Some people say I look just like my Daddy...I think they might be right!

Davby Couple Shower

Sam and I went to Dave and Abby's Couple Shower this Saturday and we had lots of fun! It was a Sausage and Beer kind of party which was awesome!! I have never seen so much fancy beer in one cooler and I was in heaven. I was a good girl and took lots of pictures to document the wonderful occasion. We couldn't be happier for the Davby's and can't wait to celebrate their big day with them!
Soon to be Mr. & Mrs. David Pollard!!!!!
The Beautiful Bride-To-Be and Handsome Holden 

The Boys (well some of them)

My Favorite Favor=Koozies :)
The Pollard Girls :)

Some of the Spread

Dave and His Ladies

Love this!!!!

Only for Dave!

A + D = Love

Smiling is my Favorite

Weston loves to smile! He is especially smiley when he wakes up in the morning and when he wakes up from naps. He also smiles when he is usually once he doesn't want anymore to eat-I guess it is his way of letting us know he is done, which I think is adorable.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our Sweet Sleeping Angel

Weston is oh so sweet when he sleeps and he enjoys sleeping sweetly everywhere!

In his cradle
Upright in his boppy
This was Daddy's favorite night night outfit for Weston but he recently out grew it...sad face

On his Daddy
On Mommy's Hand
On his Mommy
On Gigi
Laying down on his boppy
On the couch...this picture makes me giggle every time I see it.

Birthday Crawfish Boil

I had a wonderful birthday this year! The crawfish boil was lots of fun (a lot less rowdy than last year lol) and I had a great time hanging out with everyone that was able to make it! Can't wait to do it again next year! I wish I would have taken more pictures but am proud of myself for taking a couple...
Weston looking adorable (as usual)-Helping GiGi in the kitchen! Love that handsome face!

Earl hiding from the fun...(if you can't tell he is on our bed in between our decorative pillows)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two Months!!

Can't believe our little boy is already 2 months old (04-06-2013) is crazy how fast the time is flying by but it is so fun to see him grow and do new things each day. He has started smiling a lot lately and giggling. He is especially smiley in the morning and when he wakes up from naps, which I love. Here are his measurements from his 2 month appointment. Daddy and Gigi had fun making Weston smile and laugh for these photos.

2 Month Stats:
Weight: 13 lb 12 oz (90%)
Height: 22 1/4 in (25%)
Head: 40 cm (50%)

As you all can see I still have not found those darn stickers but I have not given up yet and I am determined to find them!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

To Gigi's Work We Go

I am a little behind on my blog post because we went to visit Gigi at work several weeks ago but better late than never. One day I will get good at this blog stuff...
Weston wore his adorable Polo outfit that Gigi got him and he loved getting to see his Gigi and Uncle Max at work.
Uncle Max, Gigi, and Weston

Dr. Patt enjoying some cuddle time

Sara and Weston

Look at what the Easter Bunny Brought!!!

The Easter Bunny was very good to all of us this year!!

The Easter Bunny was especially good to Weston -I guess that is what happens when you are the cutest and sweetest little boy ever!
Happy First Easter!!!

Look at all of those Easter Goodies!

Thank you GiGi for helping out the Easter Bunny this year!! We love you!

Boys will be Boys

So I created this post so I could share Sam's ideas of "staple" items when going grocery shopping (see below lol) and then wanted to add a couple of pictures of boys doing what they do. A bit random but I love it!
Sam went to the grocery store and this is what he returned with

Don't mind us just drinking our coffee and waking up

Earl wanted to join in on tummy time...Weston, however was not so into it (look how tiny Weston is here...I can't believe how much are little boy has grown)

BFFs!!! They both do not enjoy sitting still for pictures